Choisir sa première voiture RC

How to choose my first RC car?

Getting started in the world of RC cars can be extremely rewarding and fun, especially since RC toys are accessible to almost everyone. Today there are many models of radio-controlled cars with very different performances and functionalities depending on the use you wish to make of them. Experts know how to choose parts, assemble them and maintain their car, but amateurs can easily find themselves lost. That's why reading this RC buying guide for beginners will help you choose a perfect RC car for you.

RTR electric cars for beginners

Let's start with the basics, what is an RTR car ? It is in fact an abbreviation for "Ready-to-Run", that is to say, this type of vehicle is ready to start : the car is already assembled and delivered with the batteries. You will be able to drive your car as soon as the battery is charged.

An electric vehicle runs on a rechargeable battery ( a battery ) while a thermal vehicle consumes fuel . When you are starting out in RC, an electric car is more reliable and easier to maintain than a thermal car. We strongly advise you to start with an electric one.

The different types of vehicles

The wide variety of vehicle models in RC is a real advantage: each pilot can choose a unique vehicle that suits their practice. Most life-size cars have their miniature radio-controlled version . but not only that, there is also a multitude of vehicles born from the overflowing imagination of passionate creators such as 1/8 scale buggies or Truggys. When you start in RC you quickly realize that radio-controlled vehicles are divided into two large families: On-Road and Off-Road.

On-Road cars

“On-Road” cars are road cars specially adapted for driving on flat, paved or concrete surfaces. In this category, you will find a lot of scale models like racing cars (also called "Touring Car"), formula 1 cars, rally cars, dragsters, drift cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

Off-Road cars

“Off-Road” vehicles are intended for adventurers or daredevils who want to travel on all types of terrain. They are particularly strong and designed to withstand difficult terrain. Very durable and versatile, they are generally the best option for a first car . In this category you will find the Monster Truck, Stadium Truck, Buggy , Crawler, Truggy but also more atypical models such as construction equipment.

Choosing the right scale

Remote controlled cars come in different sizes, this is called scale. The most common is the 1/10 scale which means your RC car will be one tenth the size of the original or, if you prefer, the full size model will be ten times larger. This is not an exact measurement but rather an idea of ​​the size of the model . Thus, there are very large vehicles at 1/4 and 1/5 scale and, conversely, micro-cars with a scale that can go up to 1/64. For your first car, we advise you to select something in between, i.e. a scale of 1/10 .

Why choose a 1/10 scale vehicle?

  • Most cars are in this scale, so you will have a larger choice of models .
  • A car this size is very maneuverable and can be driven just about anywhere.
  • Since this scale is quite common, it will be easier for you to get help on the forums .
  • This car size is very easy to transport and can be easily repaired on a table or bench.

Our selection of cars for beginner drivers

TRAXXAS FORD GT 4-TEC 2.0 TSM RTR - A small electric RTR sedan from the famous Traxxas brand and on a 1/10 scale for racing on tarmac tracks.

TRAXXAS RUSTLER XL-5 TQ ID RTR , TRAXXAS BANDIT XL-5 TQ ID RTR and TRAXXAS STAMPEDE 4X4 XL-5 TQ ID RTR One of the very interesting characteristics of these 1/10 scale Traxxas models is their waterproofing. They can be driven on all terrains, in snow, mud or water without damaging the car!

HPI E-10 TOURING FORD MUSTANG 2014 RTR An entry-level 1/10 scale car designed for beginners thanks to its robustness.

Débuter dans le rc
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