Comment démarrer votre voiture thermique ?

If you've just bought a car Nitro radio-controlled carbut don't know how to start it, then you've come to the right place! Starting a car Nitro can be pretty daunting, especially for people new to model building. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide with the three different methods to get your car up and running.

Before starting

Prepare your tools and your car

The first step is to prepare the equipment needed to start your car. You'll need your car Nitroa set of spark plugsa candle warmer (also known as a glow starter), a spark plug removal wrenchand special RC fuel andpipette to pour it neatly into the reservoir. You'll find all these items in some starter kits.

Once you've got everything ready, it's important to know the of your RC car and in particular the location of the launch pullthe tank, the resonator and the spark plug.

Heat the candle

Screw a spark plug into its slot on the engine, taking care not to overtighten it so as =to avoid overloading the starter. Once screwed in, use the glow plug heater to light it. The spark plug should start to glow, and the brighter the better.

If the candle won't lighteither it is defective, or you need to recharge the glow plug heater. It's a good idea to have a few spare spark plugs on hand, car they can be quite fragile.

Pull start

Start the engine

Once the spark plug is hot, it's time to prime the engine. The first thing to do is to fill the fuel tank with special RC fuel. Some cars have a fuel tank with a push-button on the top, which you can press several times to make the fuel flow up to the carburettor. If this isn't the case, block the carburettor exhaust (to prevent the engine from starting) and pull the start button several times. This pumps some fuel to the engine. This is known as theengine priming.

Start the engine

Once the spark plug is hot and the engine primed, you can start your engine. To do this, pull the start button until the engine starts. To avoid breaking your pull rod, we recommend that you pull vertically and not too hard (10 cm maximum), 3 successive strokes at a time. Don't strain the pull rod (if the engine doesn't start, there's a mechanical problem).

If the pull-pin is excessively difficult to pullthis means you've primed the engine too much and need to de-prime it. To do this, simply unscrew the spark plug, turn the car over and start pulling on the pull rod. The fuel nitro should start gushing out. Keep pulling on the starter until no more liquid comes out of the engine.

What to do if the car won't start?

If your car won't start, it may be because your engine is flooded:

  1. Remove the spark plug.
  2. Turn your car over.
  3. Operate the pull cord.
  4. Pull until no more liquid flows out.
  5. Screw spark plug back in
  6. Repeat all the steps to start your car from the beginning.

If your engine isn't flooded, then you'll probably need to do some adjustments to your carburetor. Find out more about how to do this, click here.

Starting with a bench

The cars Nitro without pull start system have an opening in the chassis that allows access to the flywheel (check that the flywheel is not too high up in the chassis, otherwise you won't be able to use the starter's bench). The flywheel is activated by the rubber disc on the starter motor. The car Nitro can be started without a pull cord.

There may be a very slight weight advantage for an engine that starts via a dyno car it doesn't have the extra weight of the pull cord. However, you will need to carry the starter box and have access to a power source for the box (12V battery, rechargeable battery).

Starting with a roto start

In place of the pull-start mechanism, a roto start has a small portable electric motor that works a bit like a drill. At the touch of a button, it turns the engine to start it. Some combustion-powered cars come pre-equipped with a rotor start, while other models can be retrofitted at a later date.

Engine running-in (first time only)

Once the car is running, it's time to break-in the engine. To start running the engine in, simply let the car idle for about 10 minutes. Avoid accelerating for some time, to ensure that the oil flows smoothly into the engine.

After waiting 10 minutes, start pressing the gas pedal. Acceleration and steering should be gentle. car the aim is just to let the engine warm up and circulate the oils. We advise you to empty two tanks before you can depress the gas pedal more freely. The spark plug must be replaced after running-in, even if it is in good condition.

How to stop an engine Nitro ?

To stop an engine Nitro, simply block theresonator exhaust. Be careful not to get your fingers car the resonator can be a little hot, so use a cloth or other object instead.

When the engine starts up, it may run at high revs if a setting is incorrect. Some people panic and try to turn it off using the electronic switch. This has nothing to do with the engine: to switch it off, you have to cover the exhaust hole.

Débuter dans le rc
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